martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Fanga & Maalem Abdallah Guinea - Fangnawa Experience

Here's an unexpected collaboration linking a French-based Afrobeat band with a Moroccan maâlem, a master of gnawa – the religious trance music of the descendants of African slaves transported across the Sahara to North Africa. Fanga and Abdallah Guinéa first played together in France last year, and discovered how much they have in common; their lengthy songs are dominated by a hypnotic blend of rhythm and groove, in a fusion in which Afrobeat funk and jazz is combined with gnawa. There are times where the Afrobeat dominates, but it's always driven on by delicate and insistant percussion, while other songs start with gnawa call-and-response vocals and the gimbri lute, before the brass and keyboards join in. The finale Wouarri begins with a simple insistent bass riff, and builds to a furious, exhilarating climax involving wild chanting, and wailing brass and guitar. Play it very loud.

1 Noble Tree
2 Gnawi
3 Kelen
4 Kononi
5 Kononi
6 Wouarri


3 comentarios :

Diego Albelo dijo...

Chicos ya no esta este buen disco, resubanlo cuando puedan. Y como siempre gracias por su maravillosa música.

fulcanelli dijo...

Hola Diego, el segundo enlace "UP" funciona bien acabo de descargarlo sin problemas.
Diego el video de google Danza en el taller me ha gustado mucho, el aparato que suena como una antigua lira que se tocaba con una manivela lo has fabricado tu?

Diego Albelo dijo...

Si fulca jaja, recien veo el mensaje, lamento la demora en contestar. De todas maneras no esta terminado y es una modificación de otro instrumento llamado organistrum, pariente de la zanfoña, hurdy gurdy o gironda (depende el país). Saludos a todos y como siempre gracias por compartir tan hermosa música.

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