jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Makám és Lovász Irén - 9 Colinda

"MAKÁM Group is the most characteristic Hungarian representative of the New Tradition. Its landmarks are eleven albums. Its music spans tradition and modernity, the East and the West, the duality of the collective and the individual and search for the ancient harmony.
The group which was founded by Zoltán Krulik, broke into musical life here as the Eastern Central European follower of the ethno-avantgarde trend, this period was nuanced by Asian, Far Eastern roots as well as Balkan, African effects or repetitive elements of contemporary music.

The latest period of MAKÁM Group (SkanZen, 2000; 9 Colinda, 2001; Sindbad, 2001 - Fonó Records; Anzix, 2003 - FolkEuropa) is characterised by the rediscovery of the archaic forms of Hungarian folk music and that of the song first of all.
The legacy of Bartók and Kodály, the synthesis of elements of archaic cultures and contemporary age is the unchanged musical credo of the MAKÁM Group.
The Makám ensemble was formed in 1984 with the purpose of establishing a peculiar form of community played music, and trying to show the common characteristics existing in music cultures of different peoples and contrasting musical forms. This is a sort of improvisative chamber music containing the elements of classical music as well a contemporary jazz and rock. Its melody and rhythm are influenced by East-European ethno and Oriental music. Beleiving that the ancient Hungarian folk music is deeply related to Eastern traditions, the group arrivedat cultures geographically far away from Hungary.
The name of the group, Makám, is a word of Persian-Arabic origin, referring to the structural signif icance in improvisational music. Particular chords in the band's style are due to the rarely heard rhythms and melodies on one hand, and, on the other to the original collective sound of instruments never experienced in the same way before. Besides the classical instrments such as saxophnes, clarinet, oboe, guitar, double-bass, the tunable tabla and two ancient instruments, the Balkanien kaval (wind instrument) and the Indian ghatam play an important role in the group's sounding.

Furthermore, several exotic stringed instruments plucked with a plectrum, and percussion instruments, such as marimba, kalimba, bamboo sansas, ektar, talking drum and bells, colour the harmony of the music. Most of these instruments are made by the group's idly on the original function of the instruments but tries to explore new possibilities in playing techniques, tonality and soring. They have made many discs and radio recordings of classical music and etno contemporary music in Hungary and abroad, and have given concerts in festivals, concert halls and jazz clubs throughout Western Europe with great success. The Makám is a most exciting creative group of the latest years. It has attracted attention to an impovisational, accord combining elements of contemporery music as well as jazz and rock with the roots of Eastern European, Asiatic and Balkan folk. Its name was once linked to that of the Kolinda already world-famous at the time. By now, it has become a determinative formation in world music."

9 Colinda:
"Kolinda is the comprehensive name of pastorals as well as Christmas carols, Nativity and new year songs in the Roumanian – and Slavic – speaking countries in Eastern Europe and the Balkan. It has its roots in the Middle Ages, coming from the Latin world calendae. It has been found in Polish manuscripts since the XIIth century. Kolinda texts and functions have never had an exclusively ecclesiastic character. The songs have been of Roumanian children going begging from door to door – just like Christmas carol singers in Hungary – and of Polish people playing the Nativity or tending a flock. Kolinda tunes were treated by Chopin as well as Bartók."

Irén Lovász – voice
István Grencsó – saxophone
Balázs Thurnay – kaval, udu, voice
Eszter Krulik – violin
Zoltán Krulik – guitar, voice
Zoltán Mizsei -- synthesizer, voice
Balázs Horváth – double bass
Csaba Gyulai - percussion

1. Mennyei szép hajnal
2. Hajdan rég
3. Ő jön a szánon
4. Hull a tél haja
5. Magnificat
6. Ó jöjj, ó jöjj
7. Földből lettünk
8. Mikor a Messiás
9. Hajda szélben


1 comentarios :

Anonymous dijo...

nADA no sé ó no pillo este servidor, sin tener que dar datos personales.
Saludos a todos y gracias por toda vuestra labor, para hacer llegar otras músicas al resto del mundo

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