jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Csík zenekar-Lélekképek

The Cops slow to look back on history quarter of a century. The traditional folk music roots band started as a band since 1993 Kecskemét publishes large disks, but your brave step in a folk music circles indicated that the tradition örökítése not limited to the usual, traditional folk tunes can only replay of it, in fact. This career compiler at the moment, however, is not the Cops completely new dimension diced now depends exactly on Quimby-reworked occurred, and not even the first Kispál and Badger, transcripts containing 2005 Nobody has anything album is issued, but the age wall on the 2001 album, which strip Janos showed that even the magyarpalatkai music and the New Orleans Swing can have common roots. The strip is now unquestionably the most popular local bands - disks, both live sound.

The fresh and appealing packaging Spirit Images can also get the usual from the band, even to the extent that it now does not lag behind Kispál and Quimby, adaptations, and even this time next Lovasi Andras Kiss, Tibor be added to a sing her own songs. These reinterpretation (Earth History, Bedlam), sometimes almost routinely, but then again Robbery Heart surprise (although at first not easy to disregard the original strength), especially the fact that the band has become magyarpalatkaira and additional text for the composition. Once again, thrilling piece was the processing line: the hobo's incredibly kneads together and Hobo Blues Band's music, why should I care for the large stone house? Foldes's slow onset and Laszlo and written by Egon Poka Central European hobo blues II cross-strip is the best moment belongs. Méra Popular Topics (by opening the disk Juhmérés Meran) and continues to prove that the band's tradition is unbeatable.

1. Juhmérés Mérában |6’33”(Trad.- Barcza Zsolt)
2. „ Ne bánkódjék senki köztünk…” |5’04” (Trad.- Makó Péter)
3. Adagio |6’45”(Trad.- Juhász Gyula- Bartók József)
4. A széki hobo |7’33”
a./, Minek nékem a nagy kőház? (Trad.- Csík János - Ferenczi György - Szabó Attila)
b,/ Közép-európai hobo blues II. (Póka Egon - Földes László)
5. Silladri |2’26”(Trad.- Csík János)
6. Fehér galamb |5’24”(Beethoven - Barcza Zsolt)
7. Fekete l'amoure |5’ 10” (Kiss Tibor - Csík zenekar)
8. Szerelmesnek nehéz lenni |4’ 18” (Szabó Attila - Lovasi András - Majorosi Marianna)
9. Földtörténet |3’ 56” (Bräutigam Gábor - Kispál András - Lovasi András - Szabó Attila)
10. Tébolyda |6’ 04” (Kiss Tibor - Csík zenekar)
11. Szívrablás |6’03” (Kispál András - Lovasi András - Tóth Zoltán - Barcza Zsolt - Szabó Attila)
12. A nagy utcán |6’34” (Trad.- Szabó Attila)
13. Suite |11’41” (Trad.- Csík János - Lukács Miklós)

ifj. Barcza Zsolt - cimbalom, tangóharmonika, ének
Bartók József - bőgő, ütőgardon, ének
Csík János - hegedű, ének
Kunos Tamás - brácsa, ének
Majorosi Marianna - ének
Makó Péter - szaxofon, klarinét
Szabó Attila - hegedű, gitár, ének


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