domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

Oliver Shanti & Friends - Tibetiya

Oliver Shanti (Born Ulrich Schulz 16 November 1948 in Hamburg), also known as Oliver Serano-Alve, is a New Age musician. Founder of the band Inkarnation which was originally based on meditative music, and later transformed into "Oliver Shanti & Friends". Because of Oliver's unavailability, the rest of the group is continuing with multi-instrumentalist Margot Reisinger (formerly known as Margot Vogl and Margot Shanti), a member of the original staff, as "Existence".

He led 'New Age' cult communites and also was successful collecting money by publishing a multitude of 'Esoteric' musics, albums that sold up to 100.000 copies. These recordings, done by various, often uncredited musicians, were always connected to his 'nom de guerre', although his personal musical input to those is doubted. He was charged with sexual abuse in 314 cases in 2009.

1. eMAo
2. A walk into Tara's Valley
3. Legend of a white stupa
4. Karmapa Jenno
5. Mansarovar Pure
6. Chenresie, flame of peace
7. And compassion
8. New Horizons
9. Bodhisattva Child
10. Himalayan sky
11. Pahcho
12. Tichinabet 2222
13. Echoes of Potala
14. Cutting trough
15. Rinpoches of Ladakh
16. Out of Bardo

Part 1 , Part 2

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