lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

Ensemble Gaguik Mouradian - Goussan - Armenian troubadours

La historia recuerda a tres grandes regiones, que reflejan los matices de la civilización armenia y por lo tanto su música - Armenia occidental, con su capital intelectual, Bolis (Estambul), El Reino de Cilicia y Armenia Transcaucasia con Etchmiadzin, el centro de la cristiandad monofisita. Una gran riqueza tradicional armenio es el arte de los Achough-s, trovadores errantes y maestros del laud de cuello largo.

En la Edad Media Europa Occidental no era la única que en la corte tenian trobadores de tradiciones musicales. Los Trobadores de Armenia han demostrado ser más duraderos que sus contrapartes de Europa occidental. La música armenia es distintiva y hermosa. En Goussan: Armenian Troubadours el virtuoso y erudito Gaguik Mouradian lleva un conjunto de intérpretaciones de refinada instrumentacion de cuerda y viento tradicionales, con el canto excepcional de su vocalista Armen Badalian.

Gaguik and the Gossan Ensemble revisit the poetic and musical armenian heritage. Their music is inspired by Sayat Nova and other troubadours of the Caucase, settled since middle ages.

Gaguik Mouradian and his ensemble travel through the poetic and musical heritage of the Caucase, where the “medjlis”, poetic assemblies, still take place today and in which musicians improvise their singing answering to each other, in solo or with several persons.

Heirs of the troubadours, musicians and poets, attached to the different kingdoms of the Near –East or west Asia, the Goussans named later “ashik”, composed in Armenian, Persian, Turkish or Georgian.
These troubadours, first related to heathen religious ceremonies, to the resurrection of the Gods, as Mourané, the Mother of the Armenians and her son Guissiané from which the term “goussan” derives from, they explore today themes such as: philosophy, love in all it’s component, society and epic.
Their art is passed on from master to disciple by a long individual and oral teaching.

Oscillation between reality and imagination, this opus presents a mosaic of tonality, assembled from time to time to explore a key/mode, a rhythm, an author or a theme.

01 Hymne à L'amitié
02 Modeste Barde Et Grand Poète
03 Les 'Belles De Géorgie'
04 Ode à L'instrument
05 Sirounnér Mik Néghana
06 Saréri Gakav É
07 Paysage D'enfance
08 Poésie Amoureuse & Instrumentale
09 Chant D'amour à Double Lecture
10 Métaphores
11 Poésie Amoureuse
12 Tou Mi Arév És
13 Ode Aux Montanges
14 Hommage Au Troubadour

Armenian troubadours - Goussan

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