domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

Umkulu - Kungulu: Didgeridoo Tribal Festif

Unkulu began about 12,000 miles from France, with an improbable encounter between three musicians who had set out to discover Australia. Their interest in the didgeridoo and Aboriginal culture led them to an event celebrating the reconciliation between the Aborigines and the rest of the Australian population. During those moments of celebration, sharing, simplicity and unforgettable encounters–moments spent living close to nature, with a feeling of absolute trust–they decided to create a musical project that would convey all of these positive feelings to others. Having traveled 12,000 more miles back to Normandy, our three travelers met their rhythm man–another traveler, inspired by the rhythms of central Africa, who immediately fell under the spell of the didgeridoo and its vibrations. This highly unusual fusion gave rise to a new, unique tribal-festive inspiration called Umkulu. Their debut album, Kungulu, is a musical journey in which each piece evokes a different landscape and experience. Spontaneous and natural, it is accessible to all listeners!  

1. Rain Forest
2. Green Frog 
3. Walkabout 
4. Tribal Didg 
5. Saxo Dingo 
6. Yo2 Vision 
7. Takatoum
8. Boomerang 
9. Odontol 
10. Night Trip Part One


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