sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

Niekku - Folk music from Finland

The five women who comprised Niekku were all former students of the country’sonly music “high school” and are now performers and teachers.They sing warm, gentle harmonies, play accordions, kantele (the lap harp),mandolins, bass and fiddle.
The music they make on Niekku 3 (Olarin Music, Finland) is deceptive, in that the tones of all theinstruments and voices are usually light and sweet, but at times the groupings of the harps and voicesgets down-right furious, and once or twice it even gets a little skewed and bizarre.
One tune weaves its way through music box-like melodies on the kantele, with the accordions eventuallyoverwhelming them in discordant madness, and then drifts slowly back to the ground. It is this splendiduse of old instruments and new ideas that typifies Niekku’s approach to their music.

01 - Koiviston polska
02 - Helise heliä metsä
03 - Pc 1582
04 - Tutskovi
05 - Vestmanviiki
06 - Kyyrän matti
07 - Polkkaa ja polskaa
08 - Velisurmaaja
09 - Kanteleenrakentajien ehtoo
10 - Två konungabarn
11 - Kuljun kisavirsi
12 - Karjamajalla
13 - Varsan polkka
14 - Liisa pessi, 62 v.
15 - Kuulan polska no. 1

1 comentarios :

Anonymous dijo...

Quiero expresar mi más sincero agradecimiento por darnos la oportunidad de disfrutar de esta deliciosa obra musical. Amo a Finlandia y me fascina su cultura y en particular, su música que empecé a conocer y admirar a través de Värttinä y las poderosas y excelsas bandas de metal gótico y folk de ese país.
Siempre es un placer visitar su sitio y encontrar gratas sorpresas como esta.

Un saludo caluroso desde el país de Yuma en Abya Yala.

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