domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Watcha Clan - Diaspora Hi-Fi

Is it logical that the group Watcha Clan, which leads for years, can cook overwhelmingly electronic bouillabaisse of a thousand flavors? Current album Diaspora Hi-fi now look at the highest rung of the European world music charts, where it should be "Euro-trash disco Arab-gypsy groovy zarývající deep into the skull." Captures still nejživelněji souped Watcha Clan in their career. Watching a caravan of nomads speaking liberal forgotten languages ​​on the way from London dance clubs across the Balkan Mountains to the coast and from the Maghreb into the middle of a desert storm. Watcha Clan a tour of the Mediterranean with a novel use ingenuity and not think about who they are on the way along, which is appreciated by each student, as he returns to Marseille with musicians from The Klezmatics, Ando Drom, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Fanfare Tirana, Moroccan players the rebab, the Arab lute, oud, Viennese soprano Anita Ammersfeld or pair traveled rappers TOX and Chino Denja (Alif Sound system). Watcha Clan may be taken as the muezzin roaring musical manifesto Mediterranean diaspora everywhere where they arrive.

01 – Welcome au sahara
02 – Limu
03 – Heat Wave feat. Jamalski
04 – Un monde de farce
05 – A coups de sampler
06 – Les cocottes
07 – Diaspora Dub
08 – La patera
09 – Le bastion
10 – Paterafro
11 – On est pas là pour rigoler
12 – L’ivresse des profondeurs
13 – So high Remix
14 – Fatma style
15 – Radio rebel
16 – Boumari (souvenirs d’algérie)

[[ Watcha Clan - Diaspora Hi-Fi ]]

1 comentarios :

Anonymous dijo...

Tienen muy buena pinta! gracias por el descubrimiento

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